Wednesday, February 10, 2016


Anyone who has ever landscaped knows that.  

But what if you like neat???

First about WILD.   Wild is necessary.  Without wild you have no bees, no pollinating, no microbes (natures probiotics) to dissolve garden matter into compost; no uninvited seeds or wild plants, no birds - Wild saves our earth. I think you see the point - and the dilemma. With the wild comes the weeds and the goo; the vines and the animals, bugs, bats and mystery - all in all the messy look and the stuff that discourages us from being attentive to our lovely landscapes.  

Wild is also necessary for your sanity. We are wild-evolved beings - like the commercial that says your dog is really a wolf in its need for food, we are also re-booted in Nature- literally connected to textures,  smells, light, shade and sensations that are our heritage. They nurture us and  release our creativity

Luckily, most of us are not all that fanatic as gardeners, and we don't eradicate all of the juicy materials in our landscapes.  Lucky are those who do their own gardening. Their slice of nature is already working to heal itself every day. A little compost pile is working, extra worms aerating the soil, some weed seeds from the birds taking root, and some poop from our friends deposited nightly. Lots of material for microbes here.

About NEAT- We have to be very careful of neat. Like many people, I have a landscape company that cuts my lawn and edges my landscape beds.  They blow the hell out of all the grass clippings so they won't clump and discolor the lawn or take root in the beds. This is a major deterrent to wildness, but it sure looks great when they are done, and I love that look. 

We must not let Neat become the enemy of Wild. Weed killers, insect sprays, can be limited - used carefully.  Landscape services are evolving at a great rate. Amazing students of Nature and growth are ready to care for your landscape with limited or no chemicals and real skills.  In our past, landscapers were the guys with the T-shirts and the pickup trucks.  Now, as it has always been in Europe, 
Gardeners, Designers and Horticulturists are respected and knowledgeable. 

We can have both Wild and Neat.

Next post will be some great suggestions:  BOLD is one.                                                                                      

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